How to Make Chef Choice Pizza Dough

As you are well aware, every pizza chef will have their own dough and a special way of making it. Here we give you an idea of just how easy it is to work with our mixers, then you can use them as you wish according to your ingredients and chosen methods.

01. Pour 50% of the flour into the mixer

02. Add the yeast previously dissolved in a little water (5%) at approx. 38 °C.

03. Pour the remaining 95% water at the room temperature of 10-15 °C

04. After mixing for 3-4 minutes, add salt, the remaining 50% flour and the extra virgin olive oil.

05. Remove the dough from the bowl, place on a worktop and cover with a damp cloth. The temperature of the dough should not exceed 24 °C.

06. Make your pizza balls according to the size of pizza you want to prepare, usually, chefs use pizza balls made by the commercial mixer machine itself, but for small quantity, you can make them yourself.

Hope this was some way helpful for you,  and best of luck with your dough balls 🙂

Caterbox Team


